Kingston HyperX PC-9200 2GB Memory Review
Science Mark
Science Mark gives us an average memory throughput value, which should approximate real-world performance.
As you can see, the Crucial at similar, and actually higher timings beats out the Kingston! This seems peculiar, so we will move on to more scores and benchmarks in an attempt to confirm this.
SiSoft Sandra
Next on the list is SiSoft Sandra, which stands for System Analyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant, from which we will run Integer Buffer, Float Buffer, and latency tests.

As you can see, once again, the Kingston is beaten out again by the Crucial.

The Integer Buffer test is no different, and the Kingston fails to best the Crucial. It should be noted that both sets of RAM are still blazingly fast, and do not fail to disappoint. Latency tests only confirm the results, and yet again, the Crucial reigns supreme over the Kingston.
To ensure Sandra was not an aberration, Everest was run as well, under similar circumstances to ensure that the numbers obtained before were accurate, and proper for the test.

Read tests are similar, though it should be noted that even at looser timings, the Crucial maintains a slight lead over the Kingston. The write test is no different, and follows an all too familiar pattern.

The latency tests end this round of synthetic benchmarks, and prove that, under optimal circumstances, while the Kingston memory is fast, it is not as fast as the Crucial Ballistix.
Super Pi
It should be noted that under SuperPi, all memory tested came back with the same result, 17 seconds. As this test is mainly processor based, there is no reason to post a graph with identical results.
3D Mark 2006
While 3D Mark 2006 has been contested recently as a good benchmark of 3D performance, it still holds relevance in this test. 3D Mark will provide a repeatable, generalized view of 3D performance of each set of RAM.

The scores are almost identical, separated by only a few points. This is the one test where the Kingston has come out on top, though only by a fraction. At this close of a score, it can be argued that the scores are identical.
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