Kingston HyperX PC-9200 2GB Memory Review
Initial Thoughts and Test Setup

Upon receiving the package, you can see that the RAM is in an attractive blue heat spreader, emblazoned with the DDR2 Logo, and the standard Kingston identification, giving all the specifications on the RAM, which a nice touch that you are starting to see on a lot of high speed memory for the simple fact that you dont have to dig through the internet to look for some simple specifications. This heat spreader is the standard spreader that has been used on most of Kingston’s High performance RAM, which shows you there is no need for big flashy heatsinks or big water cooled spreaders to simply get the job done.

The RAM is packaged in a standard 2 slot plastic RAM case, nothing to really tickle your fancy. After removing the RAM from the package, you can see, for the most part, it looks like any other stick of DDR2. While I would of liked it to have a little more bling, it cant be faulted for not having this, as it is rated as some of the fastest RAM on the market! However, we will see if this rating stands up to some real world benchmarks
Test PC: Intel [email protected] GHz, Asus Striker Extreme, EVGA 8800GTS, Raptor X
Benchmark Run:
- 3D Mark 2006 (For general 3D performance numbers, as most in-game benchmarks are more indicative of video card performance, and processor performance)
- PiFast
- SiSoft Sandra
- Everest
- Science Mark
The test was performed on a freshly formatted computer with no major programs running in the background. Each test was run 3 times to give an average number which gives an approximate value for performance. The Kingston memory was also placed against Crucials Ballistix Tracer PC8500 Memory, which should provide an excellent comparison between two nearly identical sticks of RAM. Now, on to the benchmarks!
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