Kingston HyperX Genesis 4GB 2133MHz DDR3 Memory Kit Review
Final Thoughts & Conclusion
The Core i7 2600K is already a stellar processor when running 1333MHz memory, but when you turn up the clock speed it’s clear that Sandy Bridge has room to grow in performance from increasing the memory speed also. Now to what degree you will notice this depends on what your application is. For gaming it’s a tough call, the extra speed and lower latency will help in some games but will be negligible in others. Is it something you’ll be able to see or feel a difference in? Probably not.
Now looking at a real world applications like Folding@home and Cinebench 11.5, we can make a very valid argument that the increase in performance from the Kingston HyperX Genesis 2133MHz memory kit would be worth the extra cost. When you render video for a living time is money and every few seconds you can shave off can really add up when you’re talking about thousands of frames. In Folding@home a work unit is typically made of 100 steps. If you can shave a few seconds off each step the work unit is completed quicker and the results sent back sooner. That gets you more points and means that Stanford has more parts of their simulation completed in less time!
The biggest question in what memory to buy often comes down to cost. The Kingston HyperX Genesis 2133MHz memory kit is not the best in terms of performance per dollar. Instead it sits at the top of the performance heap. It enables you to get every last bit of performance from your overclocked CPU, and that is where its true value lies. For someone spending $800 between a good overclocking motherboard, processor, and a cooler to handle it all, a great kit of memory like this is the icing on the cake for not a whole lot more money. In terms of subjective performance, there is a noticeable increase in system responsiveness. Programs load slightly quicker, Windows 7 starts up just a hair faster…it all just feels “that” much quicker. For $99.99, the Kingston HyperX Genesis 2133MHz memory kit is not out of the realm of ordinary people. It is about $45 more than what a Kingston HyperX 1600MHz memory kit will cost, but for some, squeezing that extra last bit of performance from their CPU is worth the extra cash!
The Kingston HyperX Genesis 2133MHz in the Special Edition grey heat spreaders is a bad ass looking kit. We really dig the new color and “X” reflective strip. These should look great with the new dark colored P67 chipset motherboards hitting the market along with either of the unlocked K versions of the Intel 2nd generation Core i7 2600K or Core i5 2500K.
Another value add is that Kingston backs up all of their HyperX Genesis 2133MHz kits with a lifetime warranty. Kingston is the biggest name in desktop memory, so you know you’re covered in the event that something happens to your memory.

Legit Bottom Line: The Kingston HyperX Genesis 2133MHz kit “suits up” in special edition grey and cranks up the memory speed, enabling your processor to reach it’s full potential at the highest overclocks. Backed by a lifetime warranty and the biggest name in the memory business, this great looking kit of memory from Kingston Technology should be on the short list of anyone wanting to wring every last bit of performance from their new Intel Sandy Bridge CPU.
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