Kingston HyperX Genesis 2133MHz 16GB Memory Kit Review
RAMDisk Performance Testing
RAMDISK is a free utility where we can allocate a portion of our memory and convert that to a Volatile storage device, and we can use this Volatile storage device for various things that can help improve our overall computers performance. We can use this volatile storage as a ready boost (for those who are using HDDs for their Operating Systems) or use RAMDisk temporary files for windows or for specific programs to utilize as a temporary folder.
RAMDisk, Crystal Disk Mark
RAMDisk testing was performed with a 4092 MB drive while using a portion of the memory as a storage device.
With Crystal Disk Mark Sequential Read/Write testing, we can see that having a higher memory frequency is preferred over then having a lower memory frequency with tighter memory timings. This become apparent when we look at the largest performance increase of 275 MB/s during the Sequential Write testing, and 187 MB/s increase during the Sequential Read testing, when we compare the Crucial memory operating with a frequency of 1866MHz with 9-9-9-27 timings Vs. the Hyper X 2133MHz memory with 11-12-11-40 timings.
When we start to look at the 4K file writing of CDM even though the Hyper X 2133MHz memory gave us the best overall performance, when I overclocked this memory to 2200MHz we get a small drop in performance, below that of the Crucial 1866MHz memory. Again which is telling me that memory timings is playing a larger role when it comes to the smaller file sizes of 4K.
HdTune Read testing with RamDisk.
While the burst portion of testing is important to know with HDTunes testing, the one I am more concerned with is the Average read speeds of HDTunes testing. Once again the Hyper X 2133MHz memory performs the best, but once I overclocked this memory from 2133MHZ to 2200MHz we see a small drop in our performance.
HDTune Write Testing with RAMDisk
Similar to the Read testing I am only going to be concerned with is the average Write speeds of this test. And, once again the best performing memory was when I ran the Hyper X memory 2133MHz with 11-12-11-40 timings. Similar to HDTunes Read testing, once I brought up the frequency of the Hyper X frequency to 2200MHz the performance takes a small decrease.
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