Kingston Digital Announces SSD Video Contest With $16,000 in Cash Prizes


This morning, Kingston is announcing a video contest entitled, How Can a Kingston SSDNow Drive Change Your Life? Kingston is offering $16,000 in cash prizes! Contestants are encouraged to use all of the props, graphics and other means necessary to create a video. The chief criteria for judges will be the videos concept and how it is brought to life on screen. A total of 13 winners will be chosen with first place receiving $7,500, second place receiving $5,000 and 4th-13th place getting $100 per winner.

Kingston Digital Announces SSD Video Contest With $16,000 in Cash Prizes

Kingston encourages people to create videos based on real-life daily use of an SSD or something out of their imagination, said Ariel Perez, SSD business manager, Kingston. Weve heard from customers who praise the durability of the drive as they take their laptop to remote places. Other people have told us the speed and overall system responsiveness from the performance boost of the SSD has made their older PC feel like new again. Whatever it may be, Kingston might take one of the winning ideas from our video contest and create an entire marketing campaign around it.

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