Justice Department: Thumbs Down on Net Neutrality


The Justice Department issued its support for a multi-tiered approach to Internet service, and said that the imposition of net neutrality laws would hinder the continued growth of the Web. This opinion was consistent with this week’s press release from the DOJ that cautioned the FCC from aligning itself with any network neutrality proposals because, the proposals could “deter broadband Internet providers from upgrading and expanding their networks to reach more Americans.” Hmm…what’s that smell?

The DOJ wants a hands-off approach to the Internet unless it is in jeopardy of crumbling. Legislation to ensure net neutrality “can inefficiently skew investment, delay innovation and diminish consumer welfare,” according to the filing. Supporters of net neutrality fear that a tiered system would eventually allow the major telecom companies to have control of the Internet and impose harmful restrictions. After perusing the public comments submitted to the FCC, DOJ was not convinced.

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