iSuppli Says DDR4 Memory Not Coming Out Until 2014


iSuppli says that DDR3 memory modules will remain the dominant technology in the dynamic access random memory (DRAM) market for 2011 and at least three more years before it cedes ground to a faster, next-generation DDR4 memory. Looks like you have no reason to wait on buying that DDR3 memory kit!

DDR4 Memory

With plenty of life left in it, DDR3 will see its share of DRAM module shipments actually rise during the next two yearsto 92 percent in 2012 and to 94 percent the year afterbefore it heads down an irreversible cycle of decline that starts in 2014. That year, DDR4, which handles data at a much faster speed than DDR3 and whose standards are in the process of being finalized, is expected to make its first substantial presence in the market, immediately garnering about 12 percent share. By 2015, the tables will have turned, with DDR4 modules taking a majority share of market at 56 percent, compared to 42 percent for DDR3, out of total DRAM module shipments of approximately 1.1 billion units.

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