iPhone 4 Units Delivered Today – 2 Days Early!


Engadget originally posted the story about Fed Ex delivery status showing “on truck for delivery” and has now updated it to include the picture below and confirmation that indeed, people have begun receiving their iPhone 4 units. Obviously it is somewhat unprecedented for a large number of people to receive product prior to the official release date but likely this is a move by Apple and AT&T to mitigate server loads from the 600,000+ forecasted phone activations.

iphone 4 delivers

Barring any magical interceptions from Jobs or his cronies, it looks like at least one fortunate pre-orderer will have his / her new handset before most folks finish their late lunches today. Of course, whether or not Apple and AT&T’s systems are in the mood to activate a phone a full 24 hours before the first batch is supposed to land remains to be seen.

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