Intel’s Sean Maloney Battles Back From a Stroke


Sean Maloney was on his way to being the Intels’s next CEO when a stroke crippled his body — and took away his ability to talk back in 2010. The story of his recovery and how he returned to work in 2011 (he’s now head of Intel China) is an amazing one and the the September 26, 2011 issue of Fortune has a great story about it. We’ve known Sean Maloney for nearly a decade and we are happy to he him doing well. He’s had a tough battle learning to speak again, but he’s managed to do it looks like his drive to succeed has never been stronger.

On Jan. 3, 10 months after suffering his stroke, Maloney returned to Intel. It’s required some adjustment on both sides. Citing Intel’s aggressive culture, chief marketing officer Deborah Conrad says, “Sean would be the guy setting the pace.” That’s changed. Maloney now prefers one-on-one meetings. And in the obligatory large meetings where everyone talks over each other, it helps when friends like Conrad pipe up and say, “Hold on, Sean has an opinion,” giving him air. Three weeks after he returned, he made his first major public appearance at Intel’s international sales and marketing conference and told 3,700 colleagues, “I’ve trained the right side of my brain to take over speech, normally a function of the left side. It’s the hardest thing I have ever done.”

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