Intel Scores A Coup With Conroe


In offering up teasers for Conroe, its new family of processors due to ship in July, Intel has scored its biggest media coup in a long time. Alexander Wolfe posted his thoughts about Conroe in his blog this morning and is worth a quick look for those interested.

While Intel will likely steal the headlines this week for Conroe (more formally, the Core 2 line), one should point out that the reason the Intel news is so notable is that AMD’s desktop dual-core Athlon family has itself been front and center for the past year. AMD recently extended the high end of that line with two new processors, which are also earning plaudits. The upshot is, it looks like we finally have a decent dual-core duel on our hands. While the battle rages on the technology front, it’s likely that we’ll see a price-cutting war on the consumer front.

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