Intel Revolutionizes Computer Design with Silicon Photonics


Intel Labs has created what they say is the worlds first silicon-based optical data connection with integrated lasers using Hybrid Silicon Laser technology. This experimental chip can move data at 50 billion bits per second (50Gbps) and researchers are looking to demonstrate even higher rates of speed. The technology based on this low-cost, high-speed optical communication could allow computer manufacturers to rethink traditional netbook, laptop, and supercomputer system design.


Silicon photonics will have applications across the computing industry. For example, at these data rates one could imagine a wall-sized 3D display for home entertainment and videoconferencing with a resolution so high that the actors or family members appear to be in the room with you. Tomorrows datacenter or supercomputer may see components spread throughout a building or even an entire campus, communicating with each other at high speed, as opposed to being confined by heavy copper cables with limited capacity and reach. This will allow datacenter users, such as a search engine company, cloud computing provider or financial datacenter, to increase performance, capabilities and save significant costs in space and energy, or help scientists build more powerful supercomputers to solve the worlds biggest problems.

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