Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture Will Help Reach Exascal Computing By 2018
At the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), Kirk Skaugen, Intel Corporation vice president and general manager of the Data Center Group, outlined the companys vision to achieve ExaFLOP/s performance by the end of this decade. An ExaFLOP/s is quintillion computer operations per second, hundreds times more than todays fastest supercomputers. This is great news, but do we really have to wait nine more years? The performance of the TOP500 #1 system is estimated to reach 100 PetaFLOP/s in 2015 and break the barrier of 1 ExaFLOP/s in 2018. By the end of the decade the fastest system on Earth is forecasted to be able to provide performance of more than 4 ExaFLOP/s. Pictured below is the Intel MIC architecture based software development platform card called Knights Ferry that uses the “Auburn Isle” core.

The Intel MIC architecture is a key addition to the companys existing products, including Intel Xeon processors, and expected to help lead the industry into the era of exascale computing. The first Intel MIC product, codenamed “Knights Corner, is planned for production on Intels 22-nanometer technology that featuring innovative 3-D Tri-Gate transistors. Intel is currently shipping Intel MIC software development platforms, codenamed Knights Ferry, to select development partners.
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