Intel E8600 Core 2 Duo Processor Review
Overclocking Results on Liquid Nitrogen
This was the maximum frequency attainable on liquid nitrogen.
Some of you may know my history with competitive benchmarking. I really enjoy overclocking and while overclocking on air is fun and sustainable, benching under a cascade or with liquid nitrogen results in much more fun numbers. 6GHz was easily attainable with the E8600 having an ungodly low 1.84vcore and I was able to bench between 6100MHz and 6200MHz depending on the benchmark. Consumers with single-stage phase change systems should be able to easily hit speeds of 5200Mhz to 5500MHz as I was booting at 5500MHz around -40 Celsius with ease. This is where the E0 stepping really shines, past 5GHz it just tears everything else to shreds and makes it look easy.

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