Infinite USB Plug is a Big Idea for Small Conveniences


Say you have a Macbook Air, or a netbook with only one or two USB ports, but you have several USB devices you would like to use, well the only option available so far is to use a USB hub, until now. Chinese design student Gonglue Jiang has come up with a more attractive idea, the Infinite USB. The concept provides support for an infinite number of devices with an external power adapter that fits right in line with the devices if more power is needed. This is a unique idea which I hope gets past the concept stage.

Infinite USB

Chinese design student Gonglue Jiang has shown us a new way for overcoming the limitations imposed by the scarcity of USB ports on some computers. Instead of forcing you to constantly hot swap devices into that one port, Gonglue’s Infinite USB plugs keep all your cables connected. If you’re thinking this would be brought down by a bout of bandwidth starvation once you start some USB multitasking, you’re probably right, but power shortages shouldn’t be an issue as the author has also come up with an external power connector that joins into his Infinite chain of connectivity. If only this wasn’t just a concept.

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