Infinite USB Memory Drive Coming Soon with Dual-WiFi Connections For $129


Infinitec has opened its website to pre-orders for the world’s first Infinite USB Memory Drive (IUM). The drive is available for $129 with free shipping from now until August 31st, 2010. The IUM Flash drive has been called the next generation Flash drive ever since it was first seen at CES in January 2010. The drive has just 1GB of memory on it, but it features IEEE 802.11 b/g/n wireless so you can stream data as well. This is a very interesting hybrid drive.

“Dual-WiFi is something that has been attempted by a few companies but never has it been done like this before,” said David McKern, Chief Marketing Officer at Infinitec. “We’ve been able to alter the DNA of WiFi networks, so to speak, to create a unique solution that gives our customers a complete and seamless experience. Without Dual-WiFi the user would have had to choose between connecting to the internet or using the IUM and this was not something we wanted for our customers.”

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