IBM Turns 100-Happy Birthday!


IBM is the worlds second largest technology company who has invented tens of thousands of breakthroughs in the last century. This list includes the first tabulating machines, punch cards, magnetic hard disk, electric typewriter, and computer memory. The Watson computer that beat Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter on the TV show Jeopardy was built by this company. However over the century they have also had failures such as the IBM PC Jr, a PC operating system called IBM OS/2, and its Prodigy online service. IBM has provided technology services to companies in the last decade and is due to surpass $100 billion in annual sales this year. IBM is currently ranked 18th on the Forbes 500 list of top American Companies.

The company boomed in the years following World War II, focusing on mainframe computers, which powered whole offices. It introduced the floppy disk in 1971, invented the first bar code and was at the forefront of personal computing.

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