IBM Predicts Holographic Calls, Air-Breathing Batteries by 2015


By 2015, your mobile phone will project a 3-D image of anyone who calls and your laptop will be powered by kinetic energy. IBM also sees data helping shorten commutes in the next five years. Computer programs will use algorithms and real-time traffic information to predict which roads will have backups, and how to avoid getting stuck. At least thats what International Business Machines Corp. sees in its crystal ball. The part about air powered batteries makes perfect since though as we took a look at the Energizer Zinc Air Prismatic Battery back in 2009 and really liked the concept.

Energizer Zinc Air Prismatic Battery

Batteries may last 10 times longer in 2015 than today, IBM says. Rather than using the current lithium-ion technology, new models could rely on energy-dense metals that only need to interact with the air to recharge. Some electronic devices might ditch batteries altogether and use something similar to kinetic wristwatches, which only need to be shaken to generate a charge. The final prediction involves recycling the heat generated by computers and data centers. Almost half of the power used by data centers is currently spent keeping the computers cool. IBM scientists say it would be better to harness that heat to warm houses and offices.

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