HP Laptop Takes Four Bullets and Saves Soldiers Life


If you’ve had a rough week and are looking for a good story to end your Friday with then you are in luck! The Consumerist has a story up about how one of their readers was stationed in Afghanistan and took incoming rounds from enemy fighters. Two of the rounds went into the unnamed soldiers shoulder and the other four into the HP notebook that was located in his backpack. Talk about a little luck!

HP Notebook Takes Bullet

We get a lot of complaints from readers about their HP computers and the company’s customer service. But one person who won’t be complaining is the U.S. soldier whose HP notebook took six bullets intended for him. The soldier who sent these images to HP was stationed in Afghanistan when he came under enemy fire. Two bullets hit his shoulder but the other six bullets that hit him were stopped by the notebook in his backpack. HP sent the soldier a new one and, at his request, let him keep the one pictured here.

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