GraVT Professional Photographer System Review
Benchmarks, Temperatures & Power Use
To test out the performance of the GraVT Professional GVT-PPS68X photographer system we’ll be running a series of benchmarks and then compare it to another professionally built system from CyberPower. The CyberPower system that we are using for comparison was one that we reviewed earlier this month and is included just to give you a reference point.

As you can see the GraVT Professional GVT-PPS68X photographer PC is a very solid system with impressive performance numbers. It really blew away the CyberPower budget system with the AMD FX-4100 Bulldozer processor, but at more than triple the price that was to be expected. The GraVT system also had impressive temperature results as it had an average idle temperature of 38C and hit just 63C at full load thanks to the Antec KHLER H2O 620 water cooler!
The overall responsiveness of the GraVT system was great thanks to the SSD Caching that was taking place on the Intel 311 20GB SSD and Intel Smart Response Technology (SRT).
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