Google Working to Restore 150,000 Erased Gmail Accounts


If you logged into your Gmail account over the weekend to find that your inbox was empty, you aren’t alone. Over 150,000 users of Google’s Gmail e-mail service had their accounts accidentally deleted with all messages erased. Google says they are investigating the incident, but some users who have gained access to their account report seeing nothing but a “Welcome to Gmail” message that one would receive when starting a new account. Google said it was working to restore all service but warned that affected users may not be able to access their accounts while they are fixing the problem.

Gmail Problems

Some Gmail users found they had lost all of their e-mails and chats Sunday morning. About 150,000 users of Google’s e-mail system, Gmail, logged in over the weekend to find that their information had been erased. Some users found that their accounts had been effectively reset, receiving the welcome messages Google sends to new users. The company says the problem has affected “less than 0.08 percent of users.”

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