Google unveils blog search site


Google has launched a dedicated search site for weblogs. The database behind the search site will index all weblogs not just the ones published on the Google-owned blog writing site Blogger. Now Google users can can look up particular journals, authors or track down specific posts with ease. You can try out the Blog Search by visiting the home page for the search utlilty.

Google will index all blogs that publish so-called feeds that automatically tell readers when they are updated. It will also gather data about blogs that tell other indexing sites about the entries they have made. As well as searching via the dedicated blog search page, Blogger users will be able to look up other blogs via a special box on the web-journal writing site. According to information Google published about the search service, it only started indexing blogs entries made from June 2005. But now it is looking at ways of indexing older posts.

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