GOOC 2009 Kicks Off – 13 Overclockers Face Off
And The Winners…

At the end of the Gigabyte Open Overclocking Championship 2009 only one would get first place and that would be mihallen! If you recall from the previous page he was the overclocker that used C-Clamps to hold together his cooling solution for the video card! It looks to have paid off and now he is going home with a ton of prizes and a free plane ticket to Taiwan for the finals later this year.

Pictured above are mihallen, sno.Icn and Maxi, which placed in the top three at the championship.

Mihallen was a happy camper as he won all the hardware needed to build a killer system and airfare to the World Championships to where he could possibly win more. Not bad for just a day’s worth of overclocking!
To close the event, champagne was handed out to the top three and a little bubbly was enjoyed by the champions.

The others were busy thawing out their hardware and were already talking about next time and about how they got stuck with a ‘bad’ processor that couldn’t go fast enough. Obviously, every processor will perform differently, but that is why everyone drew numbers at the start of the day. I guess in the end it came down to a lot of skill and technique and a little luck.
Hats off to Gigabyte, Intel, Kingston and Enermax for putting together a great event!
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