GOOC 2009 Kicks Off – 13 Overclockers Face Off
GOOC 2009 Comes To A Yelling Start

The 2009 North American Gigabyte Open Overclocking Championship started off loudly as the thirteen overclockers that will be facing off got ready to draw numbers to see what station they would be placed at for the duration for the event. All the hardware was randomized and if an overclocker blows something up they only have a few replacements, so a little luck is always good.

Our very own Chris ‘Gomeler’ Morrell drew Kingston HyperX ball number five, so he will be stationed at the position five for the entire championship. Once everyone drew a number, everyone entered the room and the overclockers were given two hours to set up their hardware.

Over sixty people filed into the overclocking room for the welcome speech that was given by Gigabyte, Intel, NVIDIA, Kingston and Enermax.
The introduction to events like this are always pretty unique, so since you can’t be here to listen to it be sure to watch the video clip above to see how Gigabyte likes to kick things off. Colin Brix (Gigabyte Product Manager – Marketing Division) can be seen getting the troops worked up.

With the welcome speech and introductions out of the way, the overclockers got together for a group shot and then they raced back to their spots to continue on with preparations on their systems.
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