Girl Getting Tattoo of Her 152 Facebook Friends Profile Pics Just A Publicity Stunt


I heard this morning that a Dutch woman got a tattoo of 152 of her Facebook friends and was calling it a ‘social tattoo’ so to speak. I watched the video and was shocked and went about my day. You can check it out below.

It appears that a Dutch newspaper called the Telegraaf, says it was in fact a publicity stunt. The woman in the video didn’t have the tattoo inked during a 30-hour period as the video claimed. It turns out that it’s a temporary tattoo that washes or wears off after a few days. Can anyone say chicken Sh!t? All that just to get some free marketing for a tattoo studio. If I wanted a temporary tattoo I’ll head over to Walmart and spend fifty cents on the vending machine in the lobby.

Finishing my social tattoo with 152 pictures of my Facebook Friends!
Of course I gave it a lot of thought. These are not all my friends. Just the people I care most about. I got their permission and they were very proud to be on it. To me it represents who I am right now and the time we live in. And of course I love the looks of it. The Tattoo is designed by Pretty Social and the tattoo artist is Tattoo Dex.

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