Gigabyte GTX 260 Core 216 Super Overclock Video Card Review
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is a Western themed first-person shooter video game. Developed by Techland and published by Ubisoft, it is a prequel to Call of Juarez that debuted in 2006 on PC and 2007.

All of the in game settings were set to their highest. There is no option for AA so if you plan to use it, it will need to be set from your video card control panel.

All of our cards are easily pushing out playable frame rates here, with the Gigabyte GTX 260 core 216 Super Overclock again coming out on top by the slimmest of margins.

Even at this extreme resolution, the Gigabyte GTX 260 core 216 Super Overclock with just 896MB of RAM is able to outpace the rest of the field, but by less than 1 FPS!
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