GeForce 7800 GS AGP Video Card Preview


Performance Numbers

In terms of performance NVIDIA benchmarked their 7800 GS AGP versus the 6800 GT. Before we look at the benchmarking results let’s take a look at the two cards features. As you can tell from the table below the 6800GT and 7800GS AGP have the same number of vertex/pixel shaders as well as the same amount of memory. The 7800 GS AGP has a 25MHz core clock increase and a 200MHz memory clock speed increase.

NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GS Specifications

The following benchmark datawas provided by NVIDIA as a representative sample of scores and relative performance of the GeForce 7800 GS AGP versus the GeForce 6800 GT. Tests were conducted on a Pentium 4 EE 3.4GHz on an 875 chipset using Windows XP Pro with SP2.

NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GS Specifications

As you can tell the NVIDIA 7800 GS AGP performs slightly better than the old 6800GT AGP video card. If I personally had a 6800GT I would not bother upgrading, but for the millions of people that are still running integrated graphics or an older Ti-4200 or FX-5200 video card then this might be your upgrade solution. The NVIDIA 7800 GS AGP is currently $349.99 at you local CompUSA or BestBuy. The cards are not officially on sale for another few days, but NVIDIA confirmed that some CompUSA’s started selling the card last week by accident.

Overall the NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GS AGP seems to be a decent card, but with a high price tag and the same number of pixel shaders as the previous generation one might want to consider jumping to a PCI Express platform as AGP is slowly coming to an end and the price tag on these cards are making you think hard about what kind of system you want to run.

That’s it from our end on this preview, but check out the FAQ that NVIDIA sent out on the next page if you have any more questions about the NVIDIA 7800 GS AGP.

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