Gamer Dies After Playing Diablo III For 40 Hours Straight


It appears that a teenager in Taiwan died this past weekend after playing Diablo III for 40 hours straight without any food. The 18-year-old booked a private room at an internet cafe on Friday, July 13 and played Diablo III all the way through until Sunday, July 15, when he was discovered slumped over his desk by an internet cafe employee. After being taken to a hospital he later passed away. Weekend gaming binges are nothing new, but this one was fatal due to the fact that he did not eat anything or leave the room. This is an extremely tragic event and clearly goes to show that moderation is important. Blizzard issued a statement about this fatality here.

Diablo III

A teenager was found dead in an internet cafe after reportedly playing a video game for 40 HOURS straight. The 18-year-old lad is believed to have collapsed during a marathon session of Diablo 3. He was found by workers in the internet cafe in Tainan, southern Taiwan. It is believed he had not eaten for two days. On the morning of July 15, an attendant entered the room and found Chuang resting on a table. After the attendant woke him, he stood, took a few steps and then collapsed, reports said.

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