Futuremark 3DMark 11 Updated to v1.0.2


Futuremark has released an update to 3DMark 11. There are no major new features in the update and scores are not affected. However, the update improves compatibility with the latest hardware and we recommend that everyone updates to the latest version. 3DMark 11 will prompt you to apply the update when it is next run, or you can download the update.

Futuremark 3DMark 11

Futuremark 3DMark 11 release notes (1.0.2)

  • Bullet physics library updated to 2.78 to improve compatibility with future CPUs and GPUs
  • Display scaling mode setting is now available in the Basic Edition
  • SystemInfo component updated to version 4.0 for improved compatibility with current and future hardware
  • Improved user messages when the benchmark run is interrupted

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