First Glimpse of Quantum Conundrum at PAX


Over the weekend at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) Kim Swift, one of the designers that brought us Portal, showed off what is to be the follow up physics-based puzzle game called Quantum Conundrum. You play as a young boy at your uncles house, who happens to be a mad scientist. Along the way you find a glove that lets you jump dimensions. One of these dimensions is the “Fluffy” dimension where everything is made of cotton candy. It seems interesting, looking forward to the demo.

Quantum Conundrum at PAX

A typical scenario later in the game will have you puzzling over how to use a whole variety of dimensions to solve a puzzle. In addition to Fluffy, there are Slow Motion and Reverse Gravity dimensions. So lets say for example that you had to traverse a large bottomless pit. You might:

1. Throw the safe; 2. Switch to slow-motion while the safe is still close to you; 3. Jump onto the now barely-moving safe; 4. Switch back and forth between reverse gravity and normal so that the safe, with forward momentum, floats in a sine-wave pattern towards the exit.

This last effect switching back and forth between gravities to cause something to float along arose spontaneously as a result of Quantum Conundrums existing game physics, Swift said, and her team quickly implemented puzzles using it into the game.

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