Far Cry 3 Gameplay Trailer Released For E3 2011


Today Ubisoft announced the third title of their Far Cry series in an Epic reveal over at their E3 Conference. Far Cry 3 was shown at the press event and is set for release in 2012 for the PC, PS3, Xbox 360. People that attended the Ubisoft press conference today think that this might be one of the hit titles for this years convention!

The demo began with the player seeing a hostage executed from afar (you are trying to locate your kidnapped girlfriend), but the enemy gets to you first and youre quickly knocked unconscious. Tied to a cinder block, what figures to be the game’s main bad guy kicks the block into the water where you see helpless corpses who have suffered the same fate. You just escape and come out of a misty waterfall to find an enemy where you take him out and take his gun. After some bloody melee combat with the help of a machete, the demo then shows the protagonist fighting to get to a helicopter and as it takes off it is hit by an enemy rocket. The gameplay ends with you being reunited with the antagonist that tried killing you before. The lush jungle landscapes look breathtaking for a console and the combat looks smooth so far.

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