Facebook Turns “Like” Button Into Two-Way Street


Since the ‘Like Button’ launched in April, the Like button has given you the opportunity to make your websites more social in just a few steps. Today, Facebook launched more features for the Like button that are aimed at added even more value to sites that use the like button. What does this mean for you? It appears that this change will will allow publishers to contact users who have liked a page by inserting things into that users News Feed. The new feature may annoy users, and that may be the idea in order to get eyeballs on their products. By providing an incentive to use their likes wisely, Facebook will help turn the Like button once a relatively blunt instrument into a much more refined tool that isn’t used on a whim.

We encourage websites with objects that people may want to more permanently connect with, such as a brand or product, to publish relevant updates to its connected users. For example, publish a special offer to users who have liked a specific product. Simply add a few Open Graph tags to your Web page and click on the Admin Link (only visible to admins) to use the Publisher. If youre publishing to more than a handful of Pages, you now have the ability to publish to multiple Open Graph Pages via the Graph API.

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