Facebook Friday – Cooler Master Storm Enforcer PC Case


Hopefully you heard that Legit Reviews has started a new promotion called Facebook Friday on the Legit Reviews fan page. What is it? Well, every Friday we are going to announce a product that we will be giving away on Monday morning. We try to keep the weekends light around here, so this will give our fans something to talk about over the weekend. Legit Reviews has always striven to be a simple site and we are going to keep this contest simple also. To enter just share this note and comment on it. On Monday morning we’ll pick a name at random and announce the winner. Yes, it is just that simple. You can join in on this here! This week the sponsor for our weekly promotion is Cooler Master and they have donated a very nice enthusiast PC Case as a prize that goes by the model name Storm Enforcer! This is a super nice $89.99 case, so don’t miss your chance to win it!

Cooler Master Storm Enforcer PC Case

Continuing on with its tradition of revolutionary design and cutting edge technology, CM Storm upstages the competition with its Enforcer chassis. The chassis contains a wealth of features coveted by most gaming enthusiasts, including USB 3.0, SSD drive support and a removable/rotatable HDD cage to support easy installation of the highest end video cards. CM Storm has come up with a design that not only meets the expectations of its customer base, enthusiasts and esports prodigies, but does so within a price range that all will appreciate.

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