Facebook finally giving users more privacy control


It seems like it’s a weekly occurrence to see some sort of privacy discussion when it comes to social networking and Facebook is one of the primary targets of said discussion. Facebook has been much maligned in the past for the lack of transparency in their privacy practices and confusion around configuring privacy related options. Facebook has now made changes to ease visibility on how your information is shared and also clarified terms such as “everyone” – defining who exactly that is (hint: it’s literally everyone as in the general public). With more employers checking social media sites to assist in hiring decisions, it grows ever important to regulate the information about your that is available to the public.


Overall, the changes make it easier for people to understand what audience will be seeing what they post on Facebook and to control who sees what others post that refers to them. The changes will start rolling out in coming days and people will be prompted with a tour option when they are available.

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