ECS H55H-M microATX Intel LGA1156 Motherboard Review
Bundle and BIOS

I love the nice, clean appearance of the box… it is the little things in life!

The bundle is very thin, which is kind of to be expected with this type of board. You get two SATA cables, the backplate, a DVD with drivers and apps and some print material for setting up the board.

The ECS H55H-M sports an AMI BIOS, as you can see with the typical home screen. There is not a lot that is too special about this BIOS, so we will show several shots just so you can see it.

Standard CMOS Setup

The Advanced Setup page

Advanced Chipset Setup

Integrated Peripherals

Power Management Setup

PCI/PnP Setup

I would like to say that I really would like to at least have some temps present on the health page. I had no idea at all at what temperature my CPU was running.

Any tweaking that will be done on this board will be done here on the Frequency/Voltage Control page. Several options are here for your tinkering, but certainly nowhere near what you are used to on an enthusiast board.

FSB goes all the way to 600… never have figured out why companies do this… wishful thinking I guess!

Vcore can be raised to +.315 over default values in .005v increments.

VTT can be raised to +.63 in .01 increments.

VAXG can be set at either +.1, .2 or .3.

Vdimm can also be raised to +.63 over default value in .01 increments.

DRAM frequency can be set at 800, 1066, 1333 or 1600 MHz.

Finally, the DRAM timings are the usual suspects, and you also have the choice to set the command rate at 1T or 2T.
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