ECS H55H-M microATX Intel LGA1156 Motherboard Review
Bundle and BIOS
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_box.jpg)
I love the nice, clean appearance of the box… it is the little things in life!
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_bundle.jpg)
The bundle is very thin, which is kind of to be expected with this type of board. You get two SATA cables, the backplate, a DVD with drivers and apps and some print material for setting up the board.
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_main.jpg)
The ECS H55H-M sports an AMI BIOS, as you can see with the typical home screen. There is not a lot that is too special about this BIOS, so we will show several shots just so you can see it.
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_standard.jpg)
Standard CMOS Setup
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_advanced_setup.jpg)
The Advanced Setup page
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_advanced_chip.jpg)
Advanced Chipset Setup
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_intper.jpg)
Integrated Peripherals
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_power.jpg)
Power Management Setup
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_pcipnp.jpg)
PCI/PnP Setup
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_health.jpg)
I would like to say that I really would like to at least have some temps present on the health page. I had no idea at all at what temperature my CPU was running.
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_fvcontrol.jpg)
Any tweaking that will be done on this board will be done here on the Frequency/Voltage Control page. Several options are here for your tinkering, but certainly nowhere near what you are used to on an enthusiast board.
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_fsb.jpg)
FSB goes all the way to 600… never have figured out why companies do this… wishful thinking I guess!
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_vcore.jpg)
Vcore can be raised to +.315 over default values in .005v increments.
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_vvtt.jpg)
VTT can be raised to +.63 in .01 increments.
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_vaxg.jpg)
VAXG can be set at either +.1, .2 or .3.
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_vdimm.jpg)
Vdimm can also be raised to +.63 over default value in .01 increments.
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_ddr_freq.jpg)
DRAM frequency can be set at 800, 1066, 1333 or 1600 MHz.
![Image Title ECS H55H-M Motherboard Review](/images/reviews/1220/ecs_h55h_dram.jpg)
Finally, the DRAM timings are the usual suspects, and you also have the choice to set the command rate at 1T or 2T.
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