EA and Crytek Release DirectX 11 Update For Crysis 2


When Crysis 2 was released by EA and Crytek the game title didn’t go over too well when it came to graphics quality since it used a DirectX 9 when most big game titles are running DirectX 11 these days. We also heard a rumor that EA and Crytek didn’t send out press copies of the game to many media sites as they were anticipating negative feedback from the community. Well, all that changed today when EA and Crytek releasd the Crysis 2 Ultra Upgrade, giving PC gamers full DirectX 11 support. This update brings higher quality visuals and features including tessellation, water rendering improvements, high quality HDR motion blur, and many other special effects and higher quality texture formats with the optional high res texture pack. The Crysis 2 Ultra Upgrade is available via an auto installation once gamers go online with Crysis 2 on PC.

Crysis 2 catapults players into Cryteks stunning recreation of New York City in 2023. With the city on the brink of annihilation from a terrifying alien threat, players will use the powers of the Nanosuit 2 to be fast, be strong and be invisible, in an attempt to save humanity.

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