Dice rolls out Battlefield 4: Legacy Operations
Fans of the extremely popular Battlefield 4 were treated to a content update from Dice that brings a map from Battlefield 2 into the more modern game. Fans of the Dragon Valley map from Battlefield 2 will be very happy to hear that it has been brought into Battlefield 4 and that destructive environments are a go, along with land, air and sea battles available on the large map. Dice had been planning the Legacy Operations release for the past year and working on bringing the retro map into Battlefield 4 and from our limited time playing, we feel that they did an excellent job.
EA has noted the update in their patch notes, along with other fixes for the game. The update is for owners of the game on all platforms and isn’t limited to just the PC for now. Kudos to Dice for releasing free content for a game released long ago. I must say, I do think the initial purchase price spent on Battlefield 4 has been worth the cost with the amount of support and content Dice has continued to push for the game.