DFI LanParty BI G41-T33 Motherboard Review
Bundle and BIOS
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_box.jpg)
The box for the DFi BI G41-T33 is simple, yet attractive. Simplicity is always better in my book!
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_bundle.jpg)
The bundle is VERY thin, but that is what you would expect from a budget board.
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_main.jpg)
The DFI board has the Phoenix AwardBIOS, which includes the Genie BIOS page, which is typically very easy and fun to work with. The BIOS on this board though is very weak, with very few options like what we would normally see on a LanParty series board. Because of that, there is not much to show, so we will be as brief as we can.
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_advancedbios.jpg)
The Advanced BIOS page…
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_advancedchip.jpg)
Advanced Chipset page…
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_intper.jpg)
Integrated peripherals page…
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_power.jpg)
Power Management…
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_pnppci.jpg)
PnP/PCI Configurations page…
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_health.jpg)
Health Status…
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_genie.jpg)
Ok, here is the Genie BIOS Settings page where we would typically spend a whole lot of time. Not so much on this board though … look at the next few pictures and you will see why…
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_vcore.jpg)
Vcore setting has a pretty good range. You can increase it up to +245mv.
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_vdimm.jpg)
Vdimm only goes to 1.79v. Some DDR3 will not even be able to be run on the board because of this, so make sure you choose your ram wisely!
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_vttvolts.jpg)
VTT voltage goes to 1.44v.
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_pllvolts.jpg)
PLL Voltage goes to 1.80v.
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_nbvolts.jpg)
NB Voltage has selections of 1.12v or 1.34v. That is all!
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_sbvolts.jpg)
SB voltage also has only two values to select: 1.07v or 1.27v.
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_dram_timing.jpg)
tCL, tRCD and tRP are the only options that can be changed for DRAM timings … pretty weak!
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_fsb.jpg)
CPU clock can be set all the way up to 500fsb, which is very good, but WAY overkill on this board.
![Image Title DFI LanParty BI G41-T33](/images/reviews/1071/dfi_bi_g41_cmosreload.jpg)
I love the CMOS reloaded page. But since there is hardly anything you can do with this BIOS, it is totally a waste of space.
As you can see, there were many options that were not available that we normally would see on a LanParty board. There was not even an option to select your DDR3 frequency. I am not sure why they neutered the BIOS like this, other than the fact that it is a “leave it at factory settings board” and was never intended to be messed with.
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