Dead Space 3: Limited Edition Gameplay Trailer Released


Visceral Games has released a new trailer for the limited edition of Dead Space 3, showcasing the bonus packs you can net upon pre-ordering. The two in-game bundles, “Witness the Truth” and “First Contact” will give gamers new suits! The first is the Witness Suit and Evangelizer, the latter combining an assault rifle and shotgun into one lethal package. The second bonus pack contains the First Contact Suit and the Negotiator. Check out the new trailer below to see the Evangelizer and the Negotiator equipment in action! It is a tad short, but it gets the point across.

You can pre-order Dead Space 3 here. Dead Space 3 is currently set for release on PS3, XBox 360 and PC on February 5th 2013 in North America and February 8th for EU.

Pre-order the Dead Space 3 Limited Edition to instantly upgrade your arsenal in the mission defeat the Necromorph plague. The insulated Witness Suit will assist you in exploring Tau Volantis’ harsh terrain, while the Evangelizer is a menacing heavy-duty assault rifle and shotgun combination. The First Contact Suit is built for long-term space exposure and you’ll also receive the Negotiator, a Tesla-powered “instrument,” perfect for organic tissue dismemberment.

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