Cyberpunk 2077 ESRB Rating Tips Customizable Junk


The video game Cyberpunk 2077 has just been rated by the ESRB and unsurprisingly was given in M rating. The ESRB describes the rating to give us an idea of how it came to the decision. The game was expected to receive an M rating with lots of violence, shooting, and other questionable acts best left in video games.

However, one of the big decisions that led the ESRB to give it an “M for mature” rating was nudity and sexual material. The rating board says that players can select a gender and then customize their character. Among the items that can be customized are the breasts, buttocks, and genitalia.

Players can also reportedly have various sizes and combinations of genitals. This means that players can choose the size of their wang in the game reports vg247. The game reportedly features first-person sex scenes.

Players are also able to have sex with the main characters and prostitutes in the game. The game also depicts drug use and the mutilation of other game characters. There’s reportedly a quest where players hammer nails through the hands and feet of another character. It sounds like a wild video game ride.