CyberPowerPC Fang III Black Mamba – The Ultimate Home PC


CyberpowerPC was showing off their Fang III Black Mamba at the Consumer Electronics Show and every time we see this PC we can’t help but be impressed by it.

CyberPowerPC Fang III Black Mamba

This top-of-the-line computer is for those that have deep pockets though, pricing starts at $4999 and that will buy you the lower portion of the Fang III Black Mamba. If you want the top portion (OC Media Server Station) you have to fork over another $699 or more for the optional top home server.
CyberPowerPC Fang III Black Mamba

At the end of the day you’ll be out nearly $6000, but will have an amazing PC that should be able to do anything that you want it to do. This system clearly isn’t for everyone, but if you can afford it then it might be right for you. To really see what the PC is like you need to check out the video below.

The CyberpowerPC Fang III Black Mamba has been refitted with the new Azza Fusion 4000 gaming chassis, a revolutionary super tower with its ability to hold two systems in a single structure. CyberpowerPCs OC Media Server Station acts as that second independent system. It can be installed on top of the Black Mamba. The OC Media Server Station can serve as a real time monitoring and tweaking machine in addition to a home server system dishing out and storing your digital media.

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