Crytek Looking To Bring DirectX 11 Effects To Console


With Crysis 3’s gameplay trailer going live only yesterday, we now have news that Crytek looks to bring DX11 effects to consoles. Rasmus Hjengaard, Director of Creative Development at Crytek, told Eurogamer “We want to make sure as much as is humanly possible can translate from a DX11 variant into a DX9 variant, that will work almost as good on an Xbox console to whatever extent we can, because we don’t want the experience to be different between the platforms.” Hjengaard went on to say that Crytek won’t include DX11 graphics effects and features on console if it becomes detrimental to performance. With Crysis 3 having been in development for little more then a year, Crytek is hoping to show just what is possible on the PS3 and Xbox 360, with both consoles being at the end of their lifecycles. Check the source for the full details on what Hjengaard had to say.

Crytek Logo

Hjengaard provided a concrete example of this: parallax occlusion mapping, while pointing out that it was not a feature confirmed to be in the console version of Crysis 3.

“I’m not saying this will be in the game, but they managed to make parallax occlusion mapping work, which is an advanced form of bump mapping where you get silhouettes as well, and you have self-shadowing even though you have absolutely no polygons,” he explained.

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