Critics Trash New Wikia Search Engine


Wikia Search, the much anticipated, open source search engine that was touted as a potential “Google-killer” was launched on January 7 without many of its promised next-gen search features. Preliminary testers and media reviewers thought Wikia’s performance was quite disappointing. Actually, that’s an understatement. Calling it “Crappy”, “A letdown”, and “A complete waste of time”, one can only wonder how long Wikia will last.

In trying out the service, put Wikia Search through a history test and the engine did not score well. In response to a query for “Abraham Lincoln,” three of the top four search results provided links to elementary and high schools bearing Lincoln’s name. Amusingly, Google’s results for the same query led off with Wikipedia’s entry about the former Presidentabsent in Wikia’s own resultsfollowed by a string of biographical articles that one might expect. By contrast, such entries were buried deep within Wikia’s results.

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