Corsair Replacing 120GB Force 3 SSD’s Over Hardware and Firmware Issues


Last week we had a reader from Europe write in and inform us that Corsair was in the process of pulling their new Force 3 SSD’s from the market due to several issues affecting their drives (BSOD, detection errors, freezing, falling out of RAID). We saw on the Corsair forums that they were able to recreate the errors of their customers, but our contacts at Corsair in the United States were at Computex and were not sure exactly what was going on. Well, today we got an e-mail from Corsair letting us know there is an issue with the 120GB Force 3’s and that they are asking customers to send them in to be replaced. There is a hardware change on the PCB that needs to be done as well as a firmware update that needs to happen. This is a rather unfortunate event, but Corsair is doing the right thing and replacing the drives right away. Sending out storage drives and then asking for them back is a major PITA, but we all know mistakes happen.

Corsair Force Series 3 SSD

Over the past several days, we have analyzed issues associated with the stability of our recently released 120GB Force Series 3 SSD (Corsair part number CSSD-F120GB3-BK). Our review has identified that a significant percentage of these drive do not operate to specification. The solution will require changes to both the SSD firmware and the hardware components of the SSD itself. Weve worked closely with our partners to determine a root cause but there is no single issue at fault. Im sure youll have questions about how this could happen but we can only say that our production test did not catch this combination of issues and we have implemented multiple corrective actions, involving both firmware and hardware, and are confident we have resolved all currently known issues. This is our fault, our production tests didnt catch the issue before the drives were shipped to the consumer and we take full responsibility for our products, which is why were asking for them to be returned and will be picking up return shipping.

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