Corsair Obsidian 900D ‘Godzilla’ Full Tower PC Case Review
Final Thoughts and Conclusions

When I first saw the Corsair Obsidian 800D more than three and a half years ago, I fell in love with it. I was always upgrading, changing my water cooling around, and constantly tweaking my system. I never did get around to picking up the Corsair 800D, I always kind of regretted that. Here we are three and a half years later and we now have the successor to the 800D! The fine folks over at the Corsair labs have unveiled the Obsidian 900D! We first caught a glimpse of the new Obsidian 900D at the Consumer Electronics Show back in January 2013, pretty sure my first thought when I finally got to see it that fateful night at the V Bar in Las Vegas NV. was somewhere along the lines of epic! For the most part that still holds true after getting my hand on it. The Corsair Obsidian 900D Super Tower carries a fairly hefty price tag on it, out the gates the 900D will have an MSRP of $349.99 USD. It may seem a little steep at first (and to your significant other), but keep in mind this isn’t the kind of case you use for a single build and get rid of. The Obsidian 900D can be used over and over and is a case you can count on for years to come!
There is only one aspect of the Corsair Obsidian 900D that simply bugs me! The front panel of the 900D is so clean and so smooth that they even have a door to cover up the front panel I/O. This gives the front of the chassis a real sharp look. When installing an optical drive we have to remove the cover, this causes that bay to be recessed 3/16″ (.1875″).

This little issue certainly isn’t a deal breaker for the Obsidian 900D and is something that I could get over and live with. It’s sSimply something that I noticed during the build that was worth pointing out.

Beyond that little issue with the front bezel, I didn’t find anything else that I wasn’t wild about with the Obsidian 900D. Except maybe the weight, fully loaded the Obsidian 900D tipped the scales at nearly 65 pounds (29.5Kgs)! This is definitely a system that you wont want to be moving around to often. Don’t get me wrong, while the Obsidian 900D Super Tower is a heavy beast, it’s not unexpected for a case this size so I’m not faulting it.

The Corsair Obsidian 900D is simply a massive case. While feeling a little lazy I decided that I didn’t wanted to take the easy route and use a system that was already built, so I threw the BitFenix Pridigy chassis inside the Obsidian 900D Super Tower!

The Corsair Obsidian 900D fits motherboards of all sizes. Though the 900D might be a little overkill for the mITX motherboard above. It does show that the 900D has a very versatile design and will be able to accommodate us for years to come. Like all Corsair Obsidian PC Cases, the 900D Super Tower carries a 2-year warranty.
At the time that I’m writing this, the Corsair Obsidian 800D is available for $299 at the Corsair site, though a little google-fu and it can be found for as little as $273.99 shipped. Today, the Corsair Obsidian 900D Super Tower is starting out with a MSRP of only $349. For only ~$75 more you can get the latest and greatest case from Corsair! You may have a little bit of time before it becomes available though, retail availability is expected to be sometime in May of this year. Take if from somebody who has had some hands on time with the 900D, it’ll be worth the wait!

Legit Bottom Line: The Corsair Obsidian 900D is certainly a beast of a case. If you’re looking to install insane amounts of water cooling, massive motherboards, graphics cards, and to simply have the room to expand your system as needed without the concern if it will fit or not, there will be few if any that will meet your needs like the Corsair Obsidian 900D Super Tower!
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