Computerised Contact Lens Ushers In Hands-Free Information


Imagine catching up with your texts, social networking and perhaps the news without having to log on to a computer or even glance at a smartphone. Messages and images would simply appear in front of your eyes, generated by a computerized contact lens. It could also be used to display directions and TV programs. Scientists have developed a prototype lens that could one day provide the wearer with all kinds of hands-free information.

Computerised Contact Lens

The lenses, which would be inserted and removed like normal contacts, could also be handy if you are indeed enjoying the great outdoors, allowing you to zoom in on distant views. While the amount of information that could appear in front of our faces is tantalizing, the researchers insist all the components are tiny and the normal field of vision will not be obstructed. The super-lenses are the brainchild of Professor Babak Parviz, a contact lens-wearing engineer who specializes in making parts on the nanoscale, thousands of times thinner than a human hair.

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