Computer Shopper Ending Print Magazine – April 09 Last Issue


Another iconic print magazine has come to an end! This time around Computer Shopper will cease publication in April 2009, but will still have their website. That ends a 30-year print history, which is crazy if you think about it.

I am writing to inform you of an important development for Computer Shopper. Effective with the April 2009 issue, SX2 Media Labs, the publisher of Computer Shopper, will cease publishing Computer Shopper magazine and focus all of our efforts on our largest and fastest-growing area: We did not make this decision lightly. Computer Shopper has a 30-year history as the most comprehensive guide to todays technology. Over the years, we have evolved into a respected, world-class destination for trusted buying advice and reviews. Our readers have come to expect from us expert, labs-based reviews of the latest technology products, delivered in timely fashion and free of bias. This remains our editorial mission, and with our pure-digital focus, well be able to deliver on it better than ever.

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