Comic-Con To Stay in San Diego for Another 5 Years


The City of San Diego will announce on Friday that a new agreement with Comic-Con International will allow the conference to stay in San Diego for an additional 5 years. The original contract had stated that the convention’s last year would be 2012, but yielding to public pressure, Comic-Con decided to turn down competing offers from Los Angeles, Anaheim, and Las Vegas to stay in the city that launched the Comic-Con event more than 30 years ago. The event showcasing upcoming movies, TV shows and video games along with toys, collectibles, costumes and comic books now draws about 130,000 fans and delivers an estimated $163 million to the city each year.

Comic-Con To Stay

“We are grateful for the tireless efforts all three cities put into to their proposals,” said David Glanzer, Comic-Con’s director of marketing and public relations. “In the end, we feel this decision is the best for all those who attend Comic-Con and for the organization itself. We are happy that the community has worked with us to ensure that we remain here.”

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