Colorful Goes All-Out With Extreme Graphics Cooling Designs


Colorful may not be the name that most springs to mind when one thinks of high end graphics cards and their cooling systems. However the following two cooling solutions just might put them on the map.

First up, we have a totally passively cooled NVIDIA GTX 680 – yes, passive! There’s no fan, not even a part-time one. The iGame GTX 680 Passive achieves this feat by using a two-part, detachable cooler, using dense aluminium fins for each half. One half is permanently attached to the card and has seven heat pipes, while the other half sits on the other “top” side and can be disconnected. Here are some vital statistics for the cooler: 20 heat pipes across both halves, 280 aluminium fins having a total surface area of two square meters.

The top cooler is intended for warm environments, or if the user intends to mildly overclock. Sounds interesting, as it’s a rare thing to see a top end card get completely passive cooling with no fan backup.

Next, we have a monster hybrid VGA cooler, intended for hardcore overclockers to replace the stock cooler on their high end cards. This has a massive 26 heatpipes connecting with aluminium fins and a fan in the middle. This fan can be removed and an LN2 unit installed in its place for those that want to practice extreme cooling. To further enhance cooling efficiency, the baseplate has small aluminium heatsinks to directly dissipate heat, with the rest of it going to the larger fins above them via those 26 heatpipes.

For enthusiasts who want to practice extreme overclocking, the fan and fins can be removed, leaving just the baseplate, which can have an LN2 tube mounted directly on it. Pricing and availability for either product has not been revealed, but we guarantee you that they will be reassuringly expensive.

Finally, we have lots of pictures of these products at the link below.

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