Chance To Win Star Wars: The Force Awakens Google Cardboard VR Glasses By Verizon
Verizon has been getting into the Star Wars spirit and has partnered with Google to release a set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens themed Google Cardboard kits. You have to be a Verizon customer to get one (they are free) and the Verizon retail stores had four unique viewers for the market promotion. The four viewers released are BB-8, R2-D2, Kylo Ren, and a Stormtrooper. The viewers can be used to view the virtual reality content is available through the official Star Wars app. There are nine virtual reality missions from the world of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
The bad news is that they went quickly and they are in really high demand. Close to 500 have sold on eBay in recent days and the free Google Cardboard viewers are selling for about $25 each on average. Legit Reviews was lucky enough to get a set of these viewers from our Verizon representative in St. Louis to help celebrate the theatrical release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens today.
We are going to be setting up a contest today to give a complete set of these away to one of our readers, so check back to the post later this afternoon and we’ll hopefully have the form up and done by then!
Update: Here is how you can enter the contest:
We’ll leave you with a video on the Star Wars: The Force Awakens themed Google Cardboard kits and how the Verizon network is better in Star Wars talk!