Capcom Swears at Customers Who Complain About DLC Rippoff


DLC is normally just that: DownLoadable Content created after a game goes on sale and sold for a (smallish) fee. However, Capcom has tried a new approach to DLC with its new game Street Fighter X Tekken: providing ‘DLC’ in a locked (encrypted) form on the original Xbox 360 installation disc! The idea being that at some currently undetermined point in the future, Capcom will provide an unlock code for a fee.

It appears that there are a significant number of gamers who are unhappy with this arrangement, since DLC is normally content that’s developed sometime after the release of a game and made available as a downloadable purchase. Having it already on the disc in this manner, has made them feel ripped off. Complaints about this kind of behaviour have now been lodged with the Better Business Bureau about increasing mistreatment from the likes of Electronic Arts and Capcom. However, Capcom has actually responded to some of these complaints, as Gaming Blend explains, “In the case of Capcom, they’ve actually responded to some of these complaints and their response has always been the same: There’s no distinction between downloadable content and disc-locked content. In other words, expect to get screwed some more in future releases.”

Complaint #57217509 has now been filed with the BBB about this and the fact that there’s evidence to suggest that content is developed and included in a game, only to then be yanked out and flogged back to gamers at a later date as “extra” content. Capcom’s somewhat unsavoury response is quoted below. Note how they brazenly and offensively call their customers names. To Capcom, customers are obviously just cash cows to be milked dry. Who wants to give Capcom their money now?

At Capcom, we value our customers and make every effort to resolve customer complaints. We are sorry to hear that [censored] was so disappointed with the Street Fighter x Tekken game (”SFxT”), and would like to respond to his complaints.

SFxT has an enormous amount of content, fully developed and available for play and enjoyment immediately on-disc. Given the 38 characters available for full play, as well as multiple play modes, SFxT provides great value for all players from day one. While Capcom is sorry that some of its fans are not happy about the chosen method of delivery for the DLC, we believe that this method will provide more flexible and efficient gameplay throughout the game’s lifecycle. There is effectively no distinction between the DLC being ”locked” behind the disc and available for unlocking at a later date, or being available through a full download at a later date, other than delivery mechanism.
We hope that this addresses [censored]’ concerns.

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